Be Ballsy (Education Campaign) - Lets Fuck Cancer


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Be Ballsy

Take your health into your own hands.

Testicular cancer isn’t a game.

Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in males age 15-44 and it’s not something to play around with. We run this play a lot, but that’s because it works: Early detection saves lives. By finding testicular cancer early, it’s easier to treat and there are better treatment outcomes. That’s why all males should do a testicular cancer self-exam (aka touch their balls) once a month starting after puberty.

Be Ballsy is a digital campaign to raise awareness of the importance of testicular cancer self-exams by encouraging teenagers to take their health into their own hands (literally).

Stay ahead of the game. Check your balls.

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Are you ready to play with some balls?

Get a Free Set of Balls

Do you know how to touch yourself?

Testicular cancer is the most common type of cancer in men aged 15-44, which is why it’s important to do a self-exam every month. Besides, you probably touch your balls more than once a month anyways. The cancer-detecting health perks are just an added benefit.

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1. Cup

During or after a warm shower, cup one testicle at a time using both hands.

2. Examine

Gently roll each testicle between your thumb and fingers using light pressure.

3. Get Familiar

Self-exams are about getting to know your body really well so that if anything changes, you notice sooner than later.

4. Feel for Changes

Check for lumps, changes in size, or any irregularities. It’s normal for one testicle to be slightly larger than the other.

Don’t drop the ball.

Show your social media community that you’re taking your health into your own hands IRL by posting about the Be Ballsy campaign and using #beballsy.

Our programs

We provide programs for patients and caregivers across the country. See how we can help you.

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*dba Fuck Cancer, 2022. All rights reserved.

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Los Angeles, CA, 90034