Financials - Lets Fuck Cancer


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We believe that transparency is key, especially when it comes to your donations. Every dollar counts, which is why we’re here to help you make sense of our dollars and cents.

Money In: $1,132,070.94



Our people are our greatest asset.Without them there are no programs,education, campaigns, or change.


Our programs support prevention, early detection, and psychosocialinitiatives for patients and caregivers.


Keeping the lights on maynot be sexy, but it’s necessary.


It costs money to make money as they say.This spending supports our larger fundraising efforts throughout the year.

Annual Profit & Loss Statements

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*dba Fuck Cancer, 2022. All rights reserved.

US: EIN: US 98-0699811 CDN: CA 822165866RR0001

9854 National Blvd., #280
Los Angeles, CA, 90034