Primary Caregivers - Lets Fuck Cancer


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Primary Caregivers

What is a primary caregiver?

As a primary caregiver, you are your loved one’s right hand, the Hopper to their Eleven or the Gayle to their Oprah, if you will. You care for your loved one’s health and take over their daily responsibilities, while also keeping up with your own. Being the primary caregiver means that you might help your loved one prepare meals, bathe and dress them, manage their at-home medical care, deal with insurance and finances, coordinate their schedule, drive them to and sit through medical appointments, and more.

We’re not going to sugarcoat it, caregiving can be exhausting. It’s important to remember that while being a primary caregiver is important, no one can be a caregiver 24/7 for months or years on end. You can’t take care of anyone else if you aren’t taking care of yourself. Lean on other people in your support system so you don’t burn out.

Things to Think About

When someone you love is diagnosed with cancer, it’s hard to know where to start.

These questions will help you feel prepared as you move forward.

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What to expect

Becoming a primary caregiver can feel overwhelming. It often means your relationship with your loved one is transitioning into something new and more intense. You may feel sad, shocked, frustrated, or even trapped at suddenly being thrust into this new role. There is no right or wrong way to feel right now. 

The thing to remember is, if you’re constantly focused on caring for your loved one, it can be hard to think about yourself. You should not feel guilty for prioritizing your needs or leaning on your support system. When you don’t get the support and rest that you need, your emotions can feel overwhelming or you may develop physical symptoms, such as tiredness and trouble sleeping. 

It’s impossible to care for someone else if you’re not at 100% yourself.


Supporting a loved one with cancer is hard. Our library is here to help you get through it.

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Gratitude & Meditation

Taking time to be thoughtful helps

Check Out Our Journal

Comfort Clothes

Show the world how you really feel about cancer


Sweat It Out

Take a walk, do yoga, or sign up for a workout class

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Take Time

You can’t help anyone if you’re not taking care of yourself

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Ask For Help

 There’s no shame in the getting-help-game with your to-do list

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Do activities you enjoy like reading, watching movies, or doing puzzles

Find Community

Join a support group to find people who understand what you’re going through.

Our Caregiver Support Group

Get Routine Screenings

Don’t forget to keep up with your own cancer screenings

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Build Your Team

Cancer is a team sport

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We can help.


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We provide programs for patients and caregivers across the country. See how we can help you.

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