Life After Cancer - Lets Fuck Cancer


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Life After Cancer

What is Survivorship?

Just because the cancer is gone, doesn’t mean you’re not affected.

Life after cancer can be messy, confusing, and personal and how you refer to yourself when you’re done with cancer treatment is completely up to you. Some people feel good with “survivor,” while others will call themselves “patient” for the rest of their lives. Sometimes people call themselves “survivor” the day they are diagnosed to acknowledge that they are surviving it.

There’s no one right way to deal, and that includes life after cancer. No matter how you feel about the word “survivor,” there are a lot of things to keep in mind after cancer, including staying healthy and managing your mental health.

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Follow-Up Care

Even after treatment ends, your cancer diagnosis will continue to impact you in many ways.

This list will help you communicate with your current and future doctors about your follow-up cancer care.

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Dealing with cancer is hard. Visit our library to help navigate cancer’s impact on your heart, body, soul, and everything in between.


Life After Cancer




Sex & Relationships After Cancer


7 Stages of Grief

Healing Through Art


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Our programs

We provide programs for patients and caregivers across the country. See how we can help you.

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*dba Fuck Cancer, 2022. All rights reserved.

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