The foreplay we love could save the ones we love
Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the US, but when it’s found early, melanoma has a 99% survival rate.
Studies show that checking your skin with a partner can help find more melanomas than checking your skin alone, but partner skin scans aren’t just about looking for cancer. They’re more about getting to know your partner’s body really well so that if anything changes, you notice sooner rather than later. So before you get off, get on top of your skin health.
This is Serious Foreplay
Having a partner that has your backside can help you find and track moles in hard-to-reach places. Make a plan with your partner to incorporate some Serious Foreplay and do a skin scan before you do it each month. Saving lives just got a whole lot sexier!
Do you know your ABCDE’s?
Make sure you know your ABCDE’s before you get to the birds and the bees.
Boobs and balls may be asymmetrical, but moles shouldn’t be! If one half of a mole is not like the other, check with a doctor.
B is for BORDER
The perfect partner may come in all different shapes, but moles should not. If a mole has an irregular, scalloped, or poorly defined border, have it screened by a professional.
C is for COLOR
Color isn’t important in the bedroom, except when it comes to moles. If a mole has varying colors from one area to the next, your next move should be calling your doctor.
Size matters when it comes to moles. Keep an eye on moles that are 3mm in diameter and call a doctor for any mole larger than 6mm (aka the size of a pencil eraser).
You and your partner may like to switch things up in the bedroom, but if a mole is changing, don’t wait to call the doctor. If a mole looks different from the rest of your spots or is changing size, shape, or color over time, get it checked out.
How to have some Serious Foreplay
Adding some spice to your sex life could end up saving your life.
1. Get Naked Together
Let the fun begin! Get naked with your partner and commit to performing a full skin scan for both partners before you do it. Explore some of our Kamole Sutra positions to keep your skin scans fresh each month.
2. Get Checked
Have your partner check you for any new or changing moles on your face, ears, neck, chest, armpits, belly, under your breasts, and both sides of your hands. You may not be into footjobs, but be sure to have them check between your toes!
3. Return the Favor
Now it’s time to check your partner from head to toe. Take your time and make sure to take photos of any questionable moles for future reference. Maybe, keep them in a hidden photo album on your phone if they’re NSFW.
Get just the tips on partner-aided skin scans
We created Kamole Sutra cards so you can keep your skin scans fresh every month. Click the link below to get your free deck.
Free Deck HereProgram Impact
Saving lives just got a whole lot sexier.